Peer-reviewed articles
Gago, A. (2024). The domestic politics of the Swiss‐EU negotiations on the Institutional Framework Agreement (and beyond). Swiss Political Science Review.
Gago, A. (2024). Social Policies as a Tool of Migration Control: the case of Switzerland. sozialpolitik. ch, (1/2024), 1-3. DOI:
Gago, A. and Hruschka, C. (2022) “The persistence of legal uncertainty on EU citizens’ access to social benefits in Germany” Journal of European Social Policy
DOI: 10.1177/09589287221095028
Gago, A. and Maiani, F. (2021) “‘Pushing the boundaries’: a dialogical account of the evolution of European case-law on access to welfare”, Journal of European Integration
Gago, A. (2021) “Power and ideas: the legitimisation of the end of the Irish social partnership model during the Eurozone crisis”, Irish Political Studies
Moury, C., Cardoso, D. and Gago, A. (2019) “When the Lenders Leave Town: Veto Players, Electoral Calculations and Vested Interests as Determinants of Policy Reversals in Spain and Portugal”, South European Society and Politics, 24 (2): 177-204
Gago, A. (2016) “Crisis, cambio en la UE y estrategias sindicales: el impacto de la condicionalidad en el repertorio estratégico de los sindicatos españoles durante la crisis de la eurozona”, Revista Española de Ciencia Política, 42, 45-68. Doi: http://
Gago, A. (2012) “Los sindicatos mayoritarios españoles, CCOO y UGT, ante la crisis económica: ¿declive o revitalización?”, Anuari del conflicte social 2012. pp. 1075-1105. ISSN-e 2014-6760
Moury, C., Ladi, S., Cardoso, D. and Gago, A. (2021) Capitalising on Constraint: Bailout Politics in Eurozone Countries. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Books’ chapters
Tassinari, A., Bulfone, F. and Gago, A. (2023) “Labour market policies in Southern Europe” in Clegg, D. and Durazzi, N (Eds) Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Rich Democracies. Edward Elgar.
Gago, A. (2021) “All of the same type? The use of fears of welfare tourism to limit the access of EU migrants to social benefits in the UK and Germany”, in Pomati, M, Jolly, A and Rees, J (Eds.) Social policy review 33: analysis and debate in social policy, 2021. Policy Press. pp. 209-228.
Del Pino, E., and Gago, A. (2019) “Los Estados del Bienestar europeos: ¿convergencia o divergencia en el contenido y resultados de sus políticas sociales?”, In Ares, C and Bouza, L (Eds.) Política de la Unión Europea. Crisis y continuidad. Centro de investigaciones sociológicas. pp. 307-333.
Del Pino, E. and Gago, A. (2015) “Los desafíos del sistema de protección por desempleo en España”, in Moreno Fuentes, F. J. and Del Pino Matute, E. (Coord.) Desafíos del Estado de Bienestar en Noruega y España. Editorial Tecnos. pp. 149-170.
Working papers
Gago, A. (2023) The ‘migranticisation’ of EU free movement: Analysing the policies to control intra-EU migration in Germany and the UK. Working paper #34. NCCR on the move.
Moury, C., Ladi, S., Cardoso, D. and Gago, A. (2020) “Capitalising on external constraint: six things you should know about eurozone bailouts”, Working paper EUI RSCAS; 2020/95. European University Institute.
Moury, C., Cardoso, D. and Gago, A. (2019) “When the Lenders Leave Town: Veto Players, Electoral Calculations and Vested Interests as Determinants of Policy Reversals in Spain and Portugal”, IPRI Working Paper n. º 58/2019 DOI:
Del Pino, E. and Gago, A. (2017) “Las reformas del Bienestar en Europa y su impacto” (with Del Pino, E) Instituto de Políticas Públicas (IPP). WP 2017/02.
Del Pino, E. and Gago, A. (2015) “Challenges of Unemployment Protection and Active Policies in Spain”, GIGAPP. WP-2015-07.